Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Happy Things

Today has been a very good day :)
Why? You may be asking. Well I shall tell you.
It is a good day for two reasons...

1.) I have officially completed my 30 hours of observations!!!!!
(You may also be wondering what my thoughts are about education now.. Well here they are.. I love it. I recognize that it is something that will take up so much time and effort for not much pay so you need to love it. I think I can do it! I've also decided that I will go into BYU with my major as Elementary Education. Hopefully I do not change my mind but I don't think I will. :)

2.) I have officially completed and memorized all five songs that I was required to learn for my voice lessons. Oh happy day!!! :) A huge burden has been lifted!!!

In other news...
I saw my family this weekend :) It was amazing!! I've missed them so much!!

1 comment:

  1. Wohoo you finished your observations! Doesn't it feel good! I think you would be the most amazing teacher Jenn.
